ADO Connection 的交易模式分享:
int __fastcall BeginTrans(void);
Call BeginTrans to start a new transaction in the data store the ADO connection component is connected to.
BeginTrans returns a value of type integer, indicating the nesting level of the new transaction.
A successful execution of BeginTrans triggers an OnBeginTransComplete event and sets the InTransaction
property to true.
Call BeginTrans to start a new transaction in the data store the ADO connection component is connected to.
BeginTrans returns a value of type integer, indicating the nesting level of the new transaction.
A successful execution of BeginTrans triggers an OnBeginTransComplete event and sets the InTransaction
property to true.
Note: The ADO connection object must have an active connection before BeginTrans can be used.
void __fastcall CommitTrans(void);
Call CommitTrans to save any changes made during the current transaction and to end the transaction.
A successful execution of CommitTrans triggers an OnCommitTransComplete event and sets the InTransaction
property to false.
Call CommitTrans to save any changes made during the current transaction and to end the transaction.
A successful execution of CommitTrans triggers an OnCommitTransComplete event and sets the InTransaction
property to false.
void __fastcall RollbackTrans(void);
Call RollbackTrans to cancel any changes made during the current transaction and to end the transaction.
A successful execution of RollbackTrans triggers an OnRollbackTransComplete event and sets the InTransaction
property to true.
Call RollbackTrans to cancel any changes made during the current transaction and to end the transaction.
A successful execution of RollbackTrans triggers an OnRollbackTransComplete event and sets the InTransaction
property to true.
ADO 的交易模式預設是 auto commit,也就是每做一筆交易就馬上寫入資料庫,如果想要做批次寫入,
就必須使用 BeginTrans 函數。執行 BeginTrans 函數後,接下來的交易都不會被寫入資料庫,
必須等到 CommitTrans 函數執行才會寫入資料庫,並恢復 auto commit;
或是等到 RollbackTrans 函數執行,會取消此次所有交易,並恢復 auto commit。
而且 BeginTrans 可以套嵌使用,層層疊疊,但必須等到最後一個 CommitTrans 才會把所有交易寫入資料庫。
所以如果不小心執行 CommitTrans 卻沒有執行 CommitTrans 就結束程式,那就等著被人追殺吧。
就必須使用 BeginTrans 函數。執行 BeginTrans 函數後,接下來的交易都不會被寫入資料庫,
必須等到 CommitTrans 函數執行才會寫入資料庫,並恢復 auto commit;
或是等到 RollbackTrans 函數執行,會取消此次所有交易,並恢復 auto commit。
而且 BeginTrans 可以套嵌使用,層層疊疊,但必須等到最後一個 CommitTrans 才會把所有交易寫入資料庫。
所以如果不小心執行 CommitTrans 卻沒有執行 CommitTrans 就結束程式,那就等著被人追殺吧。
■BeginTrans: 取消 auto commit,並設定還原點。
■CommitTrans: 寫入自還原點所有交易,恢復 auto commit。
■RollbackTrans: 取消自還原點所有交易,恢復 auto commit。
■BeginTrans 返回值表示第幾層套嵌,第一個執行 BeginTrans 返回 1,第二個執行 BeginTrans 返回 2,以此類推。
■CommitTrans: 寫入自還原點所有交易,恢復 auto commit。
■RollbackTrans: 取消自還原點所有交易,恢復 auto commit。
■BeginTrans 返回值表示第幾層套嵌,第一個執行 BeginTrans 返回 1,第二個執行 BeginTrans 返回 2,以此類推。
由於 BeginTrans 函數會造成資料庫沒有寫入的問題,當然這一定是個人寫程式那里有露掉沒檢查到的大 bug,
所以必須用寫一個預防機制放在 form close 裏。
所以必須用寫一個預防機制放在 form close 裏。
void __fastcall TfrmMenu::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
// 檢查 ADO connection transcation
int count=0;
while (1) {
if (ADOConn->BeginTrans() == 1) break;
if (count > 0) {
AnsiString msg;
msg.printf("資料庫有未完成的交易共 %d 次。\n\n請通知系統人員處理。", count);
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), msg.c_str(), "錯誤", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// 檢查 ADO connection transcation
int count=0;
while (1) {
if (ADOConn->BeginTrans() == 1) break;
if (count > 0) {
AnsiString msg;
msg.printf("資料庫有未完成的交易共 %d 次。\n\n請通知系統人員處理。", count);
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), msg.c_str(), "錯誤", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);