[閱讀] The end of handshakes? | Seth's Blog | 握手這個行為會消失

The end of handshakes?
In the future, of course, there are no handshakes. Star Trek, Star Wars, even Spaceballs… no one shakes hands.

星際大戰系列裡面打招呼都不用握手,有機會要好好的看一下 XD
Spaceballs 也沒有握手,這片 1987 年出品的太空砲彈 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaceballs) 這部應該是早期惡搞星戰的經典,沒看過可以找來看

太空球(Spaceballs)是由梅爾·布魯克斯(Mel Brooks)共同製作,執導的1987年美國諷刺漫畫科幻電影。這部電影由布魯克斯,比爾·普爾曼,約翰·坎迪和裡克·莫拉尼斯主演,影片還包括達芙妮·祖尼加,迪克·範·帕滕,喬治·威納和瓊·裡弗斯的聲音。
在很久以前的遙遠星系中,"炮彈一族"因其領袖的愚蠢,耗盡了自己星球的大氣,於是計畫奪取鄰近的朱迪亞星球的純淨空氣。在朱迪亞星球維斯帕公主(達芙妮•祖尼加 Daphne Zuniga 飾)婚禮前夕,炮彈族總統斯古(梅爾•布魯克斯 Mel Brooks 飾)派出黑帽子大人率領巨型戰艦綁架維斯帕,以威脅朱迪亞方面就範。
維斯帕拒絕沒有愛情的婚姻選擇逃婚,卻陷入了炮彈族鉅艦的追擊,這時,因為欠高利貸在太空中奔逃的太空牛仔"孤星"(比爾•普爾曼 Bill Pullman 飾)與半人半狗的搭檔巴夫受朱迪亞國王所託,出面將維斯帕救走。炮彈族豈肯善罷甘休,正邪勢力在太空上演了又一場激戰……
And handshakes haven't been the standard default for as long as we think–they were codified by the Quakers five hundred years ago, because they were thought to be more egalitarian than tipping a hat or bowing.

Today, of course, a handshake is often seen as a threat more than a disarming form of intimacy and equality.

In addition to being a vector for disease transmission, handshakes reward a certain sort of powerful personality and penalize people who might be disabled or uninterested in that sort of interaction. And judging people by the strength of their grip doesn't make much sense anymore.


不握手運動從你我做起 🙂


Until a week or two ago, demurring a proffered hand (how antiquated to use 'demurring' and 'proffered' in the same sentence) was seen as odd and a bit insulting. Today, it comes across as generous.

Add to this the fact that in a video call, there's no way to shake hands. Hat tipping (or perhaps an informal Vulcan salute or simply a smile and a wave) might be making a comeback.
