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最近因為團隊正在跟歐盟醫療器材法規文件 (MDR = Medical Device Regulation) 奮鬥,去年都已經討論新產品分級上有定案的結果,因為討論到 Vital signs (生命體徵) 的定義,然後新產品軟體分級的問題又被拿出來再度討論一次。先講結論,分級不變,但是經過討論後,團隊對於 Vital signs 有弄比較清楚。
生命體徵是意識障礙診察中最基本的內容 ,
MDR中對 重要生理參數 (vital physiological parameters) 的闡述,是指哪些參數的變化會對病患有"立即" 危險
vital physiological parameters and the nature of variations of those parameters is such that it could result in immediate danger to the patient, for instance variations in cardiac performance, respiration, activity of the central nervous system, or they are intended for diagnosis in clinical situations where the patient is in immediate danger
中風險等級是軟體失效會造成無法及時進行適當的醫療照護 "a delay in delivery of appropriate medical care”;
Moderate (風險等級中級) 第3條:
Could a malfunction of, or a latent design flaw in, the Software Device lead to an erroneous diagnosis or a delay in delivery of appropriate medical care that would likely lead to Minor Injury?
跟Major (風險等級最高) 相比: Does the Software Device "control the delivery of treatment or therapy" such that an error or malfunction could result in death or serious injury?
高風險等級是軟體直接控制治療方式 "control the delivery of treatment or therapy” <=這段話是重點